Monthly Club Meetings

7PM first Wednesday of Month

gggThe Western Illinois Amateur Radio Club meets at 7:00 PM on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Meetings are held in Classroom A of the American Red Cross Building located at 3000 North 23rd Street, Quincy, Illinois. Meetings are open to all licensed amateurs, their guests and anyone interested in the hobby of Amateur Radio. Meetings are conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order and voting on club matters is limited to full members who are current in their dues. A program of interest to amateur radio enthusiasts normally follows the business meeting.

Each year, in addition to regular business meetings, the WIARC holds a Saturday evening dinner and social gathering which is open to all interested parties, their families and guests. A general interest program always follows dinner. Check back for information of time and place of the dinner meeting.

Meeting Info

Thursday March 6

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
WIARC Monthly Meeting
American Red Cross Donor Center Adams County Chapter, 3000 N 23rd St, Quincy, IL 62301, USA

Monthly Meeting Moved to Thurs.


Wednesday April 2

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
WIARC Monthly Meeting
Recurs monthly
American Red Cross Donor Center Adams County Chapter, 3000 N 23rd St, Quincy, IL 62301, USA

Monthly Meeting