The Feedline
Club Newsletters
The Western Illinois ARC keeps its’ members abreast of Club activities, news and operating events through its’ newsletter, The Feedline. Published monthly since January, 1977, The Feedline is available to WIARC members in printed format through the US mails or electronically via email or the internet. Access to the current issue as well as back issues is provided through this page. Click on the Current Issue button below to download this month’s issue. Back issues dating from January 2014 and forward are available through the Interface below.
The electronic version of the Feedline is distributed in PDF format.
Current Issue
Feedline Dec 2024
Material may be submitted for publication in The Feedline by sending the information in electronic file format to the Editor. (Microsoft Word format is preferred. However other commonly used formats may be submitted.) The editor has the authority to accept or reject any materials submitted for publication.
By submitting material for publication, the author certifies that the material is his or her original work product and that publication in The feedline will not infringe upon publication rights of others. The Feedline is protected under US Copyright statutes
Reprint permission may be requested by email to the Editor and is normally granted as long as credit is given to the Feedline and to the author.